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SB 82法案將創建新的犯罪類別。比如,設立一級小偷小摸盜竊罪(petty theft in the first degree),對於低於950元的盜竊,可能涉及武力或恐懼,但不造成嚴重傷害或涉及使用致命武器。這一新類別將被處以最高一年的監禁和/或1000元的罰款。將不涉及武力或恐懼的小偷小摸歸類為二級小偷小摸(petty theft in the second degree),可判處六個月以下監禁和/或1000元罰款。法案禁止將任何一類小偷小摸,作為搶劫或盜竊罪起訴,追溯性地適用這一變化,允許被判定犯有搶劫罪的人在符合標準的情況下申請重判。提案目前還處於州參議會公共安全委員會討論階段。華人要團結一致,共同發聲抵抗!

LA的父母官韓珍妮 Janice Hahn 與我們義工團面談對我們的承諾,我們所提出六大訴求,她全同意!

諾言。這一視頻沒有剪輯,完全是實況。說話速度有點快是因為時間有限, 希望在有限的時間提出我們的訴求!

義工團隊代表那時所有170人團隊(現在也有300多人), 寫信去加州參議員反對SB82號提案的信件!

East San Gabriel Citizens Against Crime
Contact: Esangabrielagainstcrime@gmail.com (626) 507-8083
Our Senator,
On behalf of East San Gabriel Citizens Against Crime with more than 170+ active members, we
can’t help but voice something for our most vulnerable Asian American residents, especially for
the victims in recent robberies happened in Rowland Heights and surrounding communities.
First of all, let’s all work together to oppose California SB-82 (Petty Theft Bill) which is an
insane law (the “evil” law we all called) that California should never have in its history.
It’s shocking and disturbing for all residents in California that Senator Skinner proposed this bill
in the unprecedented pandemic times, and while we are facing the recent increase in crimes of
violence and robberies towards our ordinary citizens, especially the ones in Asian American
It’s ridiculous that in the bill all "non-armed robbery crimes" will be reduced from felony to
misdemeanor, unless the victim is "seriously injured" in a robbery case, then the crime will be
treated as a felony. It’s like to pour oil on the flame to the already notorious $950 shoplift law.
Besides, there is a lot of loopholes in the bill. The definition is very vague and not easy to
convict criminals.
It’s unbelievable that the bill openly encourage criminals to commit more crime, which is against
the public interest of preventing more crimes.
If SB82 passes, everyone would be at risk, including Senator Skinner herself. And it will be
harsh for all of us to continue living under the fear of more crimes in California.
Please say “No” to the bill, my dear senators.
In the end, the world will remember what you (Senators) have done to the California law legal
Thank you so much for doing the right thing to defeat this bad bill of SB82...
Chuck Sun
Bing Chen
Alice Hsiao
Kitty Twu
Founder and Co-founders of East San Gabriel Citizens Against Crime

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